Frequently Asked Questions
What are Spaulding Decon’s Response Times like?
Spaulding Decon is available 24/7 to take a call. In most instances we can be out to the property within 24 hours.
Where is your nearest Location?
View our United States Locations for a complete list of Spaulding Decon locations near you. Our technicians operate Nationwide in over 20+ States in the U.S. Search by zip code on our locations page for more information about your local Spaulding Decon.
When would I need Spaulding Decon’s services?
Any time you have an Emergency Cleaning situation or need help with immediate Property Restoration. This includes Biohazard Cleanup, Mold and Water damage, Hoarding cleanup, Crime Scene Cleaning, and more. Our technicians are some of the industries best, and truly care about helping to get your property back to a clean and organized state. We have the proper training and equipment to handle each job , and we work with your insurance company to restore properties faster than anyone else.
Who pays for the services?
Most home owners, business and auto insurance companies cover the cost of biohazard cleanup, and mold remediation. We have been successful in some circumstances getting meth and hoarding covered as well. If the victim of a crime has no insurance the State victims compensation fund may pay for some or all of the cleanup services. (crime related) There are no free entities that will cleanup any of these scenes. You can contact our office for a free quote.
How Do I Verify that my Property has been properly cleaned?
Upon completing a job, Spaulding Decon will use various means to ensure is clean depending on the issue. For biohazards they have spray chemicals the will react and show there is contaminate. If it is a meth cleanup, they will use a meth test used initially to identify the problem.
Why is proper disinfection so important?
Proper disinfection of biohazard waste can result in serious life threatening conditions from handling a meth lab improperly to rodent droppings. These messes can have seriously long term consequences for not being handled properly.
Can I have an employee of my business clean a biohazard scene?
Federal regulation states that no employee can be placed in a position to be exposed to blood spills without first:
- Being provided with a method to remove and properly store the bio-hazardous waste in a properly marked container for disposal.
- Receiving bloodline pathogen training
- Having written BBP exposure control plan
- Having been provided personal protective equipment
- Having been offered the Hepatitis B vaccine and exposure evaluation and followup
Does my Homeowners insurance cover Spaulding Decon’s services?
Whether or not Spaulding Decons services will be covered by homeowners insurance largely depends on what happened and where it happened. In many cases homeowners insurance will cover the expense of clean ups.
Will my neighbors know why Spaulding Decon is at my house?
No, our services are confidential. To ensure your privacy, our staff responds in discrete vehicles. Your neighbors will think we are simply remodeling your home.
How much does Spaulding Decon’s services cost?
You will always receive an estimate in advance for your approval. Our services vary depending on the type of job, man power necessary, supplies and chemicals used and several other factors. We can give you a ball park over the phone.
What laws govern decontamination and is Spaulding Decon in compliance?
Spaulding Decon follows CDC, NIOSH, EPA, OSHA, and DOT guidelines for biological and toxic cleaning as well as their guidelines for the highest level of safety and training for technicians. Our process follows ANSI/IICRC S540 standards as well.
How do I know if my home is contaminated with Methamphetamine?
We can provide legally defensible testing on your property. The testing is comprehensive and includes all living spaces, attics, sheds, garages, appliances, and heating and cooling units. The samples are sent off to a federally certified laboratory where they are analyzed.
Do Regular Janitorial services clean up blood and pathological waste?
Not unless your regular cleaning service has been properly trained to handle blood and equipped with the proper personal protective equipment to handle biohazards waste. Also you would need a legally accepted mechanism in place to depose of the recovered biohazard waste.